Welcome to Adiyat Technology

We Bring Ideas to Life & We connect you with Tomorrow

Our Story

Adiyat Technology is a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for businesses of all sizes. Inspired by the Passion of Adiyat Group, today we offer smart, innovative services to dozens of clients in Sudan. Why not join our fast growing client base? Get in touch today to learn more.

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Easy. Fast. Secure

At Adiyat Technology, we believe that our solutions will soon become one of the biggest segments in the industry. We’ve only just started, but we already know that every product we build requires hard-earned skills, dedication and a daring attitude. Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the smart tech behind our successful Technology Company.

Innovators. Dreamers.

Adiyat Technology is a leading provider of cutting-edge technologies and services, offering scalable solutions for companies of all sizes. Inspired by the passion of Adiyat Group today we offer smart, innovative services to dozens of clients in Sudan. We built our solutions by closely listening to our potential clientele and understanding their expectations with our product. We know how to analyze this information and customize our offering to changing market needs. Why not join our fast growing customer base? Get in touch today to learn more about the Adiyat Technology story.

See What Adiyat Technology Offers & What We Provide

Adiyat Currently has three important Verticals which are HP Consumer Portfolio, the telematics Portfolio, The Mobile App portfolio. Gradually we will add number of products under them in addition to add new Portfolio to the basket.

Check Out What Is Trending In Our Latest News

Workspace Desktop

Adiyat Technology B2C Solutions

Adiyat Started on developing B2C platform, to be the leader and take a bench-mark on E-Commerce and web based platforms wave in Sudan.

  • Adiyat Got GPS License from NTC Sudan

    We Finally got the License of GPS Service Provider from NTC Sudan, this License will enable us to start providing our state of the system to local market. Adiyat VTS system is full fledge portal which gives our client all required dimensions for fleet monitoring and controlling. Call our service engineers for Live demo.

  • Adiyat Technology Move to New Building

    Adiyat Technology Moved to a new Office in the most luxurious and prestigious locations in Khartoum, our offices is now located in Burj Libya at Corinthia Hotel in Khartoum. We choose this location as a formal direction of the company towards the quality services & products delivery.

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